Making your newsletter look its best is critical to making it effective.
Tag: HOA
The Cutting Truth about Beautification
I suggest that you use your condominium newsletter, HOA newsletter, bulletin board, and/or website to tell the story.
Condominium Newsletters from MyEZCondo Keep Condominium Unit Owners Informed and Involved in Their Communities
By Bob Gourley Frequent and open communications are often indications that a condominium association is being run by leaders who strive to create a connection between the Board of Directors, the Property Management Company, and the condominium unit owners who reside in the condominium association. These leaders are not just building properties. They are building…
Condominium Newsletters are Useful and Necessary Communication Tools
By Bob Gourley Condominium newsletters are useful and necessary communication tools for condominiums everywhere. Condominium unit owners require they be kept informed and aware. With a great condominium newsletter, a condominium association Board of Directors will spend more time governing and less time explaining. Creating a good-looking and effective condominium newsletter is no simple task…
Condo Residents Demand – Show Me The Money!
By Bob Gourley The image of Cuba Gooding, Jr. as Rod Tidwell screaming at Tom Cruise as the titular character in the 1996 movie “Jerry McGuire” is a powerful cinematic moment that launched the catchphrase, “Show Me The Money”! All these later, I barely remember the movie but the catchphrase lingers as virtually everyone I know…
When a Community Has No Newsletter…
By Bob Gourley A colleague recently asked for comments on a communication issue within an HOA. A non-Board Member volunteer offered to create an electronic newsletter for the community. Here are my comments. I have been publishing community newsletters since 2004, paper and electronic. May I assume that part of this person’s request comes from…
Using Better Communications to Attract Community Leaders
By Bob Gourley Excellent community governance is the difference between a good community and a great one. Poor community governance can lead to the downfall or outright collapse of a community association. Finding and keeping qualified and interested volunteers within your community is a real challenge. Are you using your communication tools to help with…
Community Communications in the Age of CIOA Revisions
By Bob Gourley I have had the opportunity to moderate numerous discussions between community association attorneys and concerned members of Boards of Directors from condominium associations about the impact of the revised Common Interest Ownership Act, commonly known as CIOA (pronounced like the state of “Iowa” with a hard “K” in front of it). In…
FHA certification and your community!
Like it or not, FHA approval for mortgages to buyers and owners of condominium units is likely here to stay.
Explaining How You Govern Your Condominium Association
By Bob Gourley In a speech to the House of Commons in 1947, Winston Churchill said: “No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Leaders like Winston Churchill…