By Bob Gourley Using your condominium newsletter to discuss CIOA with members of your community association can be a vital component to a sound overall communication program. Interestingly, CIOA laws are designed for the protection of individual homeowners. Yet, unless an individual homeowner is aware of the changes to the law or hires an attorney…
Condominium Newsletters, Websites, Facebook, Twitter and More! Condominium Associations are Communicating Like Never Before!
By Bob Gourley Condominium newsletters have advanced rapidly in recent years. Gone are the days of typewritten and photocopied newsletters. Today’s condominium associations are publishing their condominium newsletters in vibrant colors, complete with stories and photos. No longer limited to printed materials, modern condominium newsletters are designed for both print and electronic distribution. Instead of…
What’s the difference between “Delinquency” and “Delinquent, See”?
Using your condominium newsletter or HOA newsletter to your fellow homeowners so that they accept the need as well.
Explaining the “Benefits” of a New Roof
By Bob Gourley I am often asked about the difference between a fact and a benefit as it pertains to preparing a community association newsletter to tell the story of a community enhancement, such as a new roof. Community association members buy benefits but before they do, they want to know the facts. In construction…
Are you listening to me?
By Bob Gourley How many times have you tried to get an important message across to your community members only to find yourself frustrated with the feeling that nobody is listening? I hear many listening-related complaints from condominium management professionals. These are the items that ail them. Do you suffer from any of the following…
Maintenance and Construction. Fact or Benefit?
By Bob Gourley Did your community get a new roof this year? Was your parking lot repaved? Was the pool filtration system overhauled? Were your decks replaced? Chances are pretty good that your community either underwent or will soon undergo a major construction or maintenance project. Don’t miss this opportunity to tell the story of…
Capital Reserves and the Future of Your Community
By Bob Gourley I went to see a fortune teller recently. She took me into her reading room and asked me to gaze into her crystal ball. She then predicted my future. “I see wear and tear on your buildings. I see a new roof will be needed. I see aging windows that need replacing….
Using Your Condominium Newsletter to Tell the FHA Story
Using Your Condominium Newsletter to Tell the FHA Story
Communications and Community Governance
By Bob Gourley “That government is best which governs least” – Thomas Paine Thomas Paine was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and dubbed “Father of the American Revolution” by historians. He was born in 1737 and lived a remarkable life that spanned the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and life in…
"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever"
By Bob Gourley You may recognize the above quote from the English poet, John Keats. Condominiums weren’t around in the early 19th century, so it is fair to say that he wasn’t referring to your community’s newsletter or communication efforts. Nonetheless, I hope you will let his words inspire you as you contemplate transforming your…